Talking Urban Legends

Talking Urban Legends

Read out on famous urban legends. Four categories includes (Standard, School, History and Darkness). Auto save the browsing history and display the list. Unlock contents with In-App Purchases.

### How to use

Select a category from the list to display the list of contents.

Select a urban legend from the list to display the detail screen.

You can change the voice type / speed on the settings screen.

### Features

Multilingual support (Japanese, English)

Voice speed: 0.8 | 0.9 |1.0 | 1.1 | 1.2

NavigationSplitView can display list and detail screens at once.

### Attention.

The descriptions in this urban legends were created by Generative AI. Please be aware that they may be outdated or contain incorrect information.

Category List

Navigation Split View" displays three areas simultaneously. You can switch between the sidebar (home screen), contents list, and content detail area to efficiently display urban legend.

Navigation Split View is enabled on the iPhone in landscape mode and on the iPad.

Content List

Select a urban legend from the contents list. List items with browsing history are marked in yellow.

Tap the contents detail area to confirm the detail screen. Use the back button in the upper left corner to return to the list. You can move back and forth between the list and the detail screen to obtain information of urban legends.

Content Detal

On the contents detail page, voice guidance will be read out loud. Even the visually impaired or those on the move can obtain information of urban legends.

Browsing History

Tap the menu button on the sidebar (home screen) to display the browsing history screen. In the browsing history screen, the browsing history is displayed in a list. The history is displayed in the list in the order of most recent browsing history.Tap a list item to go to the contents detail page.


On the settings screen, you can change the voice type. Choose from the following voice types: Japanese Male, Japanese Female, English Male, and English Female.

You can change voice speed. 0.8 | 0.9 | 1.0 | 1.1 | 1.2

You can mute the voice guidance when you do not need it.

You can reset your browsing history and your settings.